Thursday, August 25, 2011

PHP WebSocket Server Framework

Finding a bit of gap in the market I decided to implement a PHP based WebSocket server with application framework in PHP. I did find other PHP implementations of Websockets but for the most part these were very simple implementations (often single classes to be modified) rather than a full framework that could be evolved with the standard (which is a moving target) and offer a simple application framework to enable Application protocols to be implemented in isolation from the relative turmoil underneath.

There are of course some excellent Websocket server implementations out there including the excellent PyWebSockets along with a number of very good Node.js offerings including Socket.IO. So the other reason for doing something in PHP was to get some experience below the WebSockets covers .

And to therefore I offer you the PHP-WebSockets-Server which is current hosted under GIT. I plan (as time allows) to evolve this along with the standard and if I can figure out how create an apache MOD for tighter integration. The server currently supports both draft 75 and 76 of the standard along with the newer HyBi protocol. As such it can deal with what most HTML5 clients (and Node.js clients) can through at it, although it has not yet have a rigorous amount of testing under its belt. There are also a few things missing from the shelf the main ones being support for extensions and chunked data. I hope to get to these in early Sept depending on work demands.

I don’t want to repeat what is written in the (Readme) documentation on GIT here but to give a brief outline of how it is architected there are three major levels.

Server Framework

The server framework really deals with how to run the server and to that end there are a couple of methods depending on what platform this is being run on. Basically it can be run from the command line on either Linux or Windows and there is a Daemon script for running as such on Linux.

Library Layer

The main implementation is supported in a PHP library which includes a main server class, interfaces and implementations to deal with the Websocket protocol versions (specifically handshake and data framing) as well as some utility classes.

Application Layer

The server is extended through the creation of Application protocols. All Application protocols must implement the WSApp interface which and is isolated from the protocol mechanics which may change over time. Application Protocols can be specified at the client using the Protocol argument of the WebSocket constructor for example in javascript the following

socket = new WebSocket(host, "Foo");

Would request the Foo application protocol.

The organization above allows for graceful evolution of the WebSockets standard whilst supporting various client interpretations without requiring changes to the application protocol.

As I mentioned above I will try to evolve this over time as I can and as major changes to the standard evolve. I intend to use it for my own prototyping needs and therefore will have some motivation to update.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Cross Platform Mobile Applications using HTML5–Part 1

A couple of weeks ago I set myself a task of developing a mobile application using HTML5 that could be deployed onto as many popular mobile platforms as possible with the minimum amount of modification. This post describes that task and conclusions drawn from doing it.
HTML5_Logo_topFirstly I should describe what I mean by mobile application since HTML5 is typically used via a browser and a URL. In this case I mean a local application that can be bundled and deployed a from an App Store/Marketplace etc. and looks and feels the same as a local application. Recently there has been a lot of interest in using HTML5 to develop mobile applications in this way so I wanted to test the water.

Lots of options

A quick google search on the subject will find a lot of different technologies and frameworks that claim to provide just what you need to attempt what I was attempting. I set myself some basic design principles and set about verifying as many platforms as I could find. I am sure there are ones which I missed but what follows is the cast that I played with, all of them do what they say they can but there are tradeoffs and to be honest your choice will depend on the tradeoffs you want to make. So set yourself some guidelines. Mine where quite simple. Firstly I wanted to be able to have a lot of flexibility and as such wanted good access to HTML5/CSS and javascript and not be forced to live in one or the other. Whatever I chose had to support mobile device features such as touch, rotation, different viewport dimensions and access to device sensors. I also didn’t want to learn a complex new object model in order to develop my app so reuse of existing approaches was good thing. And finally I didn’t want to pay licensing.
I tested a number of multi-platform technologies such as Jo, Sencha, Titanium, and JQTouch as well a one (Enyo) that wasn’t billed as multi-platform, see my previous post for details. Firstly they all worked to a certain extent but for one reason (e.g lack of touch support) or another (e.g complex javascript framework) I ruled them out. I finally landed on JQuery Mobile. Although in beta and not as polished as something like Sencha touch it was the best option in that is satisfied all my criteria for a framework. As a framework it embraces HTML5 and CSS (rather than encapsulating it) while providing a powerful javascript framework that provides a lot of nice features for a mobile developer. Finally as it’s names suggests it is built-on and uses jQuery which means that a lot of current web developers will be able to easily take advantage of its features without skipping a beat.

Going Cross Platform

The application framework provides the basis for creating the look and feel of an HTML5 mobile application but they don’t help with creating cross platform applications such as I was interested in. They are fine for web based applications accessed via a browser but not a native app deployed and launched like a native app. Luckily the bit that is missing can be satisfied by a great piece of technology called Phone Gap. Phone Gap not only provides an API to access many of common sensors built into mobile platforms (e.g location, accelerometers etc.) it also provides the application shell support which enables you to repurpose your HTML5 look and feel into different mobile environments without (for the most part) changing a line of code. There might be other technologies that do the same but to be honest I stopped looking once I played with Phone Gap they have a fairly complete package which is well documented and integrated with the  XCode, Eclipse and Titanium Aptana IDE which became the environments I used the most during this task.

The process

So with my choice of application environment sorted now it came down to the task of choosing my app to build. I had decided that the actual app didn’t matter since it was the journey rather than the destination which was important. Once I had achieved what I set out to do, repeating it for other applications would be easier. So I actually found a JQuery Mobile Tutorial on how to build a feed reader. This tutorial demonstrates how to write a web service which has a UI generated by php files into HTML/CSS/JS pages which are loaded by the browser. All the page generation is done on the server and as such this tutorial created a web application in the traditional browser based model, however it is a good tutorial and it allowed me to both learn JQuery Mobile and provide a basis for my local application experiment.
I re-created the application to work without a service component using JQuery Mobile to generate the UI based on user events. The whole experience was packed into a single HTML file (thanks to the multi-page concept in JQM) and a single javascript file to drive the application logic. I then used PhoneGap to to provide the shell for applications which could used on devices. My first test case was to provide the feed reader app for both Android and IPhone, and I later expanded to WebOS. Using Phone Gap it would be a simple matter to  create an application for all the platforms PhoneGap supports as long as that platform supports HTML5.
The image above shows the same app running as a local app on three different platforms. On the right it is running in the Android emulator, bottom left it is running on the IPad emulator under XCode and finally in the background it is running in Chrome on the desktop (more on this later). This is the same HTML/CSS/JS code running on all platforms. The code is simply slotted into the App shell created by Phone Gap.


So I can claim success right? well, not exactly because although it is possible to do what I set out to do there are a few things that need to be improved before I feel this kind of thing is ready for prime time.
First in line is a decent development environment. I used a combination of Titanium Aptana and the Chrome browser. Aptana managed the source code while testing and debugging was done in Chrome (which is why I show it above). At the moment both are needed. This wasn’t ideal but it was possible however, not as seamless as you might like. Getting tighter integration between the development process and debugging process would make life a lot easier all around.
One area that really caught me out is catching errors in generated code (e.g. HTML5 or CSS). Inserting code into the DOM is almost inevitable doing this kind of activity and it can be (was for me) the source of a lot of the problems. Although Aptana does basic syntax checking and code completion you need to use validators (W3C HTML5 Validator and JSLint in my case) to make sure you have clean code.  Unfortunately the validators work off static code if there is an error in any of the dynamic code (a closing H2 tag in my case) there is no way to pick it up other than using the DOM browser (in chrome) and wading though looking for errors. This is very time consuming. So a validator that works off generated code would be great.
The second problem I had to deal with is that although the same code can run on all platforms and Phone Gap can be used to hide a lot platform differences there are still accommodations that need to be taken into account. One of the big ones that I had to deal with was the lack of a back-button on IOS, requiring me to generate a soft button when the app was running on IOS. This isn’t hard as phone gap provides an API to discover the platform but it is something to be aware of and requires testing
Having said the above, I am encouraged that this is actually possible it really opens up the whole mobile a little more and although there are going to be certain apps where pure native code is required there are an awful lot that can be coded in the same way as I have done. One comment I always get asked with respect to using HTML5 is performance, all I can say in this case is that when I deployed the feed reader app onto my device (a G2) it performed very well. The app loaded fast (much faster than the network version) and was responsive to user actions. There was a delay when retrieving feeds and feed entries but those were network delays and could be prevented by using caching and prefetch. As it is Jquery Mobile already manages a lot of that kind of thing.
The advantage of creating a local HTML5 app versus a traditional service based application is that other areas of HTML5 can be exploited perhaps the most important one from a mobile perspective is dealing with offline operation. Having the application local also cuts down on network access allowing for minimal amounts of information to be passed between a service and an app. These are areas I plan to deal with in subsequent posts.
For those interested you can get the source code from so you can play in your own pen . As to what is next, now I am interested in how having HTML5 on the client can and should effect the design of mobile applications I am eager look at both offline operation and the use of websockets to potentially reduce the battery impact of traditional polling apps. More on this later